Following years of delays, Sony continues to expand their Spider-Man Universe with Morbius, following sequel Venom 2 and Spider-Man No Way Home. Based on the Marvel Comics character Morbius the Living Vampire, the horror-based rogue was originally a foe of Blade and…
Sony Pictures has released the final trailer for the latest film instalment in their Sony/Marvel-verse, featuring brand new footage of Leto transformed, along with plenty more Michael Keaton and a glimpse at Matt Smith's villain. Oscar® winner Jared Leto transforms into the…
Vampires are heading to the Sony live action Spider-Verse with Jared Leto's take on antihero Morbius, and the studio has released an exciting new extended clip spotlighting the scientist's transformation. Oscar® winner Jared Leto transforms into the enigmatic antihero Michael Morbius. Dangerously…