We managed to pop along to the Showmasters Film and Comic Con at Braehead Arena Glasgow, that was on August 17th and 18th. The show, held at Braehead, a shopping centre and event center in Glasgow, had a full program of guests, cosplay and stalls, that covered all aspects of pop culture. The area lends itself well to the event, with an easy to navigate floor and many of the guests sitting in their open booths, and willing to chat and sign for fans.
After recently watching the Blu-ray release of Doctor Who season 19, it was lovely to see Sarah Sutton, and we had a quick chat with her on the way round. Other guests included John Levine, Katy Manning, Geofrey Beavers and Sophie Aldred, so classic Who was well represented. From other TV shows, you could find Game Of Thrones actors Kerry Ingram, Tara Fitzgerald and Gemma Whelan. Harry Potter fans were also impressed to see Devon Murray and Afshan Azad on site and signing photos, and film star Christopher Lambert seemed to headline Saturdays event, although it was an extra £10 to sit in on his panel.
The ususal stalls were open for business, on a rainy and dull Saturday, and once again, as a collector, I have to say that the distinct lack of actual comic stalls was a disappointment. I only found one silver and bronze age dealer, and I have to wonder why so few back issue dealers attend these bigger shows. Are the table rates too high, or is it simply there are not enough people buying back issues at these shows anymore? In my opinion, the first all comic back issue show will set the con scene on fire again, and someone needs to get that ball rolling for all those avid collectors who have neglected the conventions for online auctions instead.
One of the strangest panels we had ever seen at a con, was with two of the stars of 1980s BBC comedy Allo Allo. For those of you who missed this, Allo Allo was a serialized sit con, set during WW2, that followed the escapades of the French resistance, and the Nazi invaders that take over their town. Despite the dubious subject matter, the show ran for years and was one of the most well loved sit coms ever. Richard Gibson and Kim Hartman were in character as Herr Flick and Private Helga, and it was a real slice of nostalgia to hear them reminisce about the show, answer strange questions from fans and talk about who they would want to play them if they make a film of the TV show. The audience clearly loved seeing them, and the panel was lively, fun and entertaining, everything you would want from a convention panel.
There was plenty of Cosplay on show, and a competition, as well as a gaming zone, so this was a nice convention that will return next year for more of the same.