“Ready a tall tankard of mead and brace yourself for a culinary journey to match any quest!”—Tom Morello, Rage Against the Machine
From the author team behind the bestselling Dungeons & Dragons Art and Arcana, HEROES’ FEAST invites Dungeons & Dragons fans and fantasy lovers to learn about their favorite fictional cultures through their unique cuisines.
With 80 delicious recipes, fans can prepare dishes delicate enough to dine like elves and their drow cousins or hearty enough to feast like a dwarven clan or a boisterous orcish horde. The recipes were developed by a professional chef from one of the country’s top test kitchens and are composed of wholesome ingredients readily found in our world.
HEROES’ FEAST includes recipes for snacking, such as Bytopian Shepherd’s Bread, Iron Rations, savory Hand Pies, and Hogs in Bedrolls, as well as hearty vegetarian, meaty, and fish mains, such as Amphail Braised Beef, Hommlet Golden Brown Roasted Turkey, Drow Mushroom Steaks, and Moonshae Seafood Risotto. There are also featured desserts and cocktails–like Heartlands Roseapple & Blackberry Pie, Yawning Portal Biscuit, and Chultan Zombie–and everything in between, to satisfy a craving for any adventure.
To find out more, click here.