Ahead of Disney Animation’s Nov. 29 theatrical debut of the epic animated musical, the Moana 2 Original Motion Picture Soundtrack is available today on Spotify, Apple Music and Amazon Music. A new featurette marks the launch with recording-studio footage and exclusive interviews with stars, filmmakers and the team behind the music.
“Moana 2” features music by Grammy® winners Abigail Barlow and Emily Bear, Grammy nominee Opetaia Foa‘i and three-time Grammy winner Mark Mancina.
“Music is always such an important part of all of our stories, whether it’s a musical or not,” said producer Yvett Merino. “‘Moana 2’ is a stunning, sweeping musical. Its songs help move the story forward in such a special way and the score is so dynamic. It has been such a great experience.”
The musical legacy leading up to “Moana 2” is profound—the team was deeply inspired by the characters, world and music. Said director Jason Hand, “The music in this film will make you laugh, it will make you think. It’s going to set up camp in your mind. It’s truly unforgettable.”