It’s the penultimate episode of season 4 and Barry is running out of ideas. John Diggle is rushed to Star Labs from Star City to help them check on Fallout who has been placed in ARGUS custody in an extremely secret location. Who doesn’t love a guest star, it was awesome to have Diggle show up to help, even if he did bring bad news. DeVoe has got his hands on Fallout and has begun to use his powers to create batteries for his satellites. A race against time begins as they estimate they have 12 hours to stop him.
Caitlin makes a shock discovery this week during some training from Barry in joining Flashtime. A bump to the head reveals that she’s been suppressing a childhood memory and with Cisco’s help she discovers that Killer Frost wasn’t a result of the particle accelerator afterall. She’s been a part of her since childhood.

Harry is fully onboard with the advice he got from the Council of Harrisons last week. He works with Iris to find out where Marlize is hiding and the ‘put yourself in their shoes’ approach almost becomes a chant for him throughout the episode. They find her in England though and Iris tries to appeal to her humanitarian side by questioning what she’s prepared to do for the world. This was my favourite scene this week. Even though Marlize has left him, she still fully believes in what DeVoe is trying to achieve. I was shocked. Here I also discovered something I didn’t really consider before – Harry is experiencing the effects of enlightenment!
Barry, Cisco and Caitlin enter Flashtime together and even though Barry does destroy his satellite, DeVoe doesn’t seem phased. He rants at Barry about the benefits of enlightenment and once again shows his disregard for any type of emotion, claiming that emotion is the father of all error. DeVoe had a back up plan for this event anyway. He uses the satellite at Star Labs and the final stage of his plan is set in motion. Here comes the enlightenment…
The only way I can articulate my thoughts is to say that I’m very very excited for next week’s finale. I’m sure it’s going to be a fantastic end to a superb season.