There were big decisions, acceptance and just total defiance in this week’s episode.
The return of Gypsy this week puts an increased amount of pressure on Cisco to make a decision over his recent job offer. On one hand he doesn’t want to leave his ‘family’ and on the other he’s desperate to spend more time with his girl, and all this going back and forth in his mind is starting to piss him off. However, he does eventually make his mind up. He not only turns down the job, but also ends his relationship with Gyspy due to the frustration of not seeing her enough. Poor Cisco.
Harry comes clean to the rest of the team about what is happening to him. It kind of seems like he’s begun to accept it too. It’s almost as if he’s trying to get as much cleverness out while he can. Cisco thinks his brain regression is reversible but Harry doesn’t want any false hope. In the meantime, Cecile realises that she can help as she’s able to read his thoughts before they get lost. This comes in very handy as Harry finally discovers what DeVoe’s end game is!

We are given some much appreciated back story to Clifford and Marlize DeVoe and we see how their relationship developed over time. It’s funny watching these flashbacks because they made me believe that Marlize is actually the driving force behind the pair. We’ve seen that Marlize isn’t overly happy with her husbands actions over the past few episodes and his behaviour this week obviously tips her over the edge. She definitely shows her strength at the end of the episode when she completely flips Clifford off and leaves. ‘You’re nothing without me’ she scowls at him as she disappears off into the sunset. Ouch!!!
Cecile is thrown a surprise baby shower as the episode ties up but the biggest surprise is for us viewers as the mystery girl from the cafe comes to the door with a gift. When she spots Iris though, she makes a quick exit. A VERY quick exit if you catch my drift!
This episode was a little slower than recent other ones but I loved it just for the turn in Marlize. It was fantastic and exciting to see her totally defy her husband who has been controlling her like a puppet. I felt a wave of empowerment for her. I can’t wait to see what she does now.