Shining a light on the hugely influential art pop duo, Edgar Wright brings his quirky and infectious new musical documentary The Sparks Brothers to this year's virtual South by Southwest film festival. Often known as quite the enigma, the brothers are certainly…
Being a big Foo Fighters and live music fan, when I saw this listed at South by Southwest festival, I immediately added it to my watchlist. We're currently in the third lockdown here in the UK and it's pretty much been a…
Everyone loves a heartwarming underdog story, and this celebratory tale of how amateur theatre group, Paranoid Dramatics', rose to West End fame is definitely a surprising highlight from this year's virtual South by Southwest festival. This documentary charts how a group of…
Directed and written by Philip Gelatt and Morgan Galen King, The Spine of Night centres on a mystical and ancient bloom which possesses spectacular power and knowledge, but quickly falls into the hands of greedy and violent men. Falling to its darker…
Anyone who's into pop culture, comic books or podcasts will undoubtedly know of Kevin Smith, who's endearing love of all thing films, TV and comic has sparked an impressive fandom and community. Premiering in the SXSW Film Festival's Spotlight section, Clerk directed…