With a screenplay by Dan O'Bannon and directed by Ridley Scott, 1979 sci fi horror Alien was ground breaking and terrifying for audiences around the world that were caught off guard by the shocking horror and complex themes. The movie poster gave…
It's funny, but the premise behind The Dead Zone almost seems like a cliché now, but back in the day, 1983 really, it seemed an original and intriguing concept. Based on the novel by Stephen King, and directed by David Cronenberg, this…
Looking for films to watch on your streaming service? Here's another retro review that we hope encourages you to go and have another look. It's hard to put Donnie Darko in a box. The 2001 film written and directed by Richard Kelly…
There's a little known, but beloved, sci-fi masterpiece from 2012 that some of you may have missed called Robot and Frank. It's a low budget, but beautifully made film, directed by Jack Schreier and written by Christopher Ford, that focuses on Frank,…