A time jump to 3 months ago tells the tale of the birth of Red Hood. What I really liked about this episode was seeing the intricate relationship between Jason and Bruce. We’ve had the idea of Bruce being manipulative planted a…
HBO Max has finally unveiled the action-packed trailer for the third season of Titans, which teases Jason Todd's (Curran Walters) tragic descent to fan favourite character Red Hood. We see the young Robin walking through a creepy abandoned amusement park, then…
As revealed at DC Fandome back in August, Jason Todd's Red Hood will debut in the third season of DC's Titans, and WB have just revealed our first look at the costume. According to the studio, the Titans will be based in…
This is a moment fans have been waiting for ever since the DC animated feature Under The Red Hood - we're finally getting a live-action Red Hood in Titans season three! During the Titans special panel at DC Fandome, Jason Todd actor…