There's no denying that the 1978 Star Wars holiday special has gone down in history as the worst instalment of the franchise. Directed by Steve Binder, the television special debuted as the first Star Wars spin-off film, introducing the Wookie holiday known as 'Life…
Disney+ has shared the trailer and poster for the upcoming LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special, which premieres 17th November on the streaming service. The new animated special charts Rey's (and BB-8) journey through the Star Wars cinematic history, meeting younger versions of Luke and Leia Skywalker, Han Solo and Kylo…
Disney+ is bringing together some of the brightest stars in the Star Wars galaxy for the ultimate holiday family reunion, the “LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special.” Today the streaming service also gave fans a first look at key art for the special, set to premiere on…
Disney has announced LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special will explore Chewbacca’s homeworld of Kashyyyk on Life Day, premiering exclusively on streaming service Disney+ on Tuesday, 17 November. “The LEGO Star Wars Holiday Special” reunites Rey, Finn, Poe, Chewie, Rose and the droids for a joyous feast…