Based on the futuristic DC superhero team created by writer Otto Binder and artist Al Plastino, the latest Warner Bros Animation heads to the 31st century and introduces the Legion Academy. It's here where Supergirl joins a new generation of fellow heroes,…
Based on the futuristic DC superhero team created by writer Otto Binder and artist Al Plastino, the latest Warner Bros Animation heads to the 31st century and introduces the Legion Academy. It's here where Supergirl joins a new generation of fellow heroes,…
Supergirl ventures to the 31st century to find answers to her present-day dilemmas, only to encounter new problems and an old enemy in Legion of Super-Heroes, an all-new, feature-length DC Universe Movie coming to Blu-ray, DVD and Digital Download starting 6th February 2023 from Warner Bros. Home Entertainment. Welcome to the…