Warner Bros. Animation is set to release their next animated instalment on May 3, with Matt Ryan once again reprising his role of Constantine in DC Showcase: Constantine – The House of Mystery. The new short follows the next steps of the demon…
Warner Bros. Animation is set to release their next animated instalment on May 3, with Matt Ryan once again reprising his role of Constantine in DC Showcase: Constantine - The House of Mystery. The new short follows the next steps of the…
The latest animated instalment from Warner Bros. Justice League Dark: Apokolips War marks the epic conclusion of DC's popular shared animated movie universe, as the 15th and final film in the continuity. Originally introduced in Jay Oliva's brilliant Justice League: The Flashpoint…
Everybody's favourite Liverpudlian demon-fighter, Constantine, has finally had its broadcast premiere on FOX UK earlier this month! The short-lived NBC series first aired on October 24, 2014 to February 13, 2015, before being unjustly cancelled after its first season. However Matt Ryan has since gone on…