Universal has unveiled the full-length trailer for upcoming biopic drama Oppenheimer, written and directed by Christopher Nolan, which shines a light on the titular enigmatic man who must risk destroying the world in order to save it. The film is based on…
Christopher Nolan is back with a bang with the online debut of the first teaser trailer for historical drama Oppenheimer, following the theatrical debut earlier with Nope and Where the Crawdads Sing. Featuring a countdown to the very second of the film's…
TENET, will arrive on 4K Ultra HD, Blu-ray™, DVD and Digital on 14th December, in time for Christmas. TENET 4K Ultra HD and Blu-ray™ will contain the following special features on a bonus disc: Looking at the World in a New Way: The Making of TENET- An…
Christopher Nolan has earned an enviable reputation of producing highly anticipated, original event films, of which plot details are kept closely under wraps. Since the global pandemic forced cinemas to close for months on end, no other film (bar The New Mutants)…
With less than a week to go, Warner Bros. has released the final trailer for the highly anticipated Christopher Nolan movie Tenet, featuring Travis Scott's song "The Plan". Check out the trailer below! Armed with only one word—Tenet—and fighting for the survival…