Moon Knight #190
Marvel Comics
Written by: Max Bemis
Art by: Jacen Burrows
Colour by: Mat Lopes
Crazy really does run in the family as Marc Spector’s grasp on his multiple personalities start to crack in the shocking third part of Moon Knight’s Legacy run!
Max Bemis’ continuing ‘Crazy Runs in the Family’ arc is a fantastic (and funny!) examination of both Marc Spector’s ongoing struggle with his separate personalities, as well as the historical war between Ra and Khonshu. Just as Marc thinks he’s achieved balance in his life and is fighting the good fight, Jake Lockley drops a bombshell, while the Sun King enlists former colleague Bushman to help bring the warrior down. The two plan to use a familiar old flame combined with Jake’s secret to destroy The Moon Knight once and for all!
This issue is a fantastic combination of humour, action and a thrilling build up to a shocking revelation that I really didn’t see coming! There were some real funny and ingenious moments that explored the head space of Marc; I absolutely loved the panels of him argue with himself whilst doing yoga in the park and inadvertently scaring off an old lady with her poodle! Oh and did I mention the fight with a disabled gentlemen? The ending of the issue really ramped up the tension and I can’t wait to see the teased battle between Moon Knight and the Sun King – it’s great to have such an interesting villain!
The art in this issue is absolutely fantastic and the journey through time in the opening panels are particularly detailed and stylistic. The panels that explore the battle between Mark’s personalities are also a personal highlight with the great use of faded tones. Mat Lopes’s colors have also been outstanding throughout the three issues, particularly with the strong use of orange in the backgrounds.
So far I’m absolutely gripped to the ‘Crazy Runs in the Family’ arc and I genuinely can’t wait to see where Bemis takes Marc next following THAT revelation!