Go West #3
Alterna Comics
Written by Garrett Gunn
Art by Saint Yak & Sean Forney
Doppleganger #4
Alterna Comics
Written by Jordan Hart
Art by Emmanuel Xerx Javier
Two of my favourite comic book mini-series are coming to an end next month, and it’s with great pleasure I can say that they both deliver. Go West issue 3 and Doppleganger issue 4, both from Alterna comics, reach their respective conclusions, and they both end in style, albeit very different styles altogether.
First of all Go West from Garrett Gunn and Saint Yak. This tale of wild West revenge, in a not too distant future, hits the ground running in a finale that continues the excellent work that has been done on this title. The writing and artwork compliment each other well, and the story receives the conclusion that we probably all saw coming, but welcomed it with open arms. The story telling may have followed a well worn path, but you know something, I wouldn’t really have wanted it any other way. How many times have you been disappointed in a series that perhaps fell at the last hurdle? Well Go West clears the hurdle, then goes on to win all the other events. It’s a violent blood fest, with nothing left to the imagination, and scenes that would make Garth Ennis proud. Over the top and gratuitous? Maybe, for some, but for this reviewer it did what it set out to do and made no apology for it neither. Not one for the kids, or even the more nervous adults, but if you have been a fan of the previous issues, this one will be right up your street.
Meanwhile in Dopplegager 4 by Jordan Hart and Emmanuel Xerx Javier, Dennis is approaching the end of his time with a battle for his own life and family. The odds are stacked against him and things are looking bleak as the hapless hero and sidekick Ricky struggle against the supernatural entity that is taking over his life. Doppleganger has played out like a movie length version of a Twilight Zone episode, but that’s a compliment as far as I am concerned, and fans of that style of story telling should check this series out. Once again the art and story work well together and there’s a frantic kitchen based final battle that is somehow funny and scary at the same time.
Both of these great series should be picked up immediately by comic book fans, and I know that I may have said this before, but Alterna comics need a better fan base in the UK as they are producing titles that are original, cutting edge and refreshing. Sure they may lack the polish of the big 2, but the price point counters that positioning and you never feel you have wasted your hard earned money even if you pick up an issue that’s not to your taste. Get to your LCS and ask them for Alterna comics, if they haven’t heard of them clue them in and get them on board. Publisher Peter Simeti is a tireless and hard working comics pro that treats the fans like customers, engages with everyone on social media and believes in his product. They deserve all the exposure they can get and all the success they can handle.