Written by: Patrick Mulholland
Art by: Patrick Mulholland
Science fiction quest Zero Jumper reaches the fourth and final issue of the current mini series, and brings everything to a satisfying conclusion.
The 4 issue run from Patrick Mulholland has followed Juno, the last human, and AI iO as they strive to rewrite history itself, to prevent a terrible tragedy. This has been an exciting and fun story and this finale is a fast paced and thrilling adventure that leads to a final confrontation with the big bad.
Although Mulholland’s story is a good read, it’s his art that shines in this production. His use of both panel arrangement and dynamic poses makes me think fondly of animated classic Battle Of The Planets , and Juno looks like she could have came straight from that team. His style is very crisp and clean and the colours help make the scenes dynamic and easy to follow. No spoilers here, but in the final act, there is a use of colours that compliment the scenes perfectly, adding danger and elevating the threat level. It’s a great finale, and shows a creator that understands the medium and is clearly enjoying the process.
Zero Jumper is a teen plus title, so the emphasis on adventure is paramount, and here Mulholland excels. All 4 issues are a great read, that will probably be more effective if collected in a trade. For an engaging “pilot” story, this is a winner and there should be more from this universe in the future. Do yourself a favour and track down all 4 issues. Issue 4 is out in October, but the back issues may be on your LCS shelf, or grab them online straight from Alterna comics.
As an added aside, it’s been a stormy month for Alterna, but this company has been producing newsprint comic book titles at a price point that is quite frankly incredible, and the quality of their output is impressive. If you are a fan of sequential art, there’s nothing to lose from picking up this, and for my money, any other Alterna comic out there. Zero Jumper has around 23 pages an issue over 4 issues, and sells in the UK for around £1. Essentially then, this complete 92 page graphic novel is yours to read for £4. In the US $6 gets you the complete set.
I challenge you to find that level of quality and quantity anywhere else!